Growing Every Day

Posts tagged ‘time’

Focus Forward

Over the holidays, I decided to take a short hiatus from blogging on The Learning Leaf.  Once the Christmas season started it did not stop!  It is finally slowing down and becoming life as usual –

or as close as you can get.

faith ornament_christmas tree copyDuring this season, the posts stopped as did “formal” instruction of Mason and Madison.  Life went too fast to plan, create, and implement like I had been.  After wrestling with guilt over “not instructing” my son, I heard that lovely still small voice of my Lord, “It’s ok.  Mason is only four!”  It was a gentle reminder that all is well.  Yes, Mason loves to learn and he thoroughly enjoys the activities that are crafted.  However, he is four and is still very much learning through play, our outings, and every day life.

With this hiatus, I saw and began to have a clearer focus that we will be doing more formal “schooling” when Mason turns 5.  This also gave me clarity to see my focus between now and then is to tweak my life scheduling and organization where my house, business (The Crafting Tree), and book writing are concerned.  Time will look very different and have different demands within 6 months or so.  Between now and then, I get to gain the upper hand in letting the Lord show me His time management strategies for me.

This is exciting.  A focus, which results in forward movement.  I’m sure I will continue to have some fun, creative, learning activities for both Mason and Madison.  As I am sure I will be creating some of my own to share as well.  This new focus, however, will change the flavor of the posts for the next few months –

How exciting to watch and see!